The US Embassy will advise students grades A scholarship opportunities

Thu, 27 October 2016
Von Dara
Photograph US Embassy country will host the program 'The First Grade A Student Education USA Fair next Sunday morning this weekend at the US Embassy to promote and encourage students to improve English proficiency regardless of the opportunity to take a scholarship to study abroad, and information on Visa to the United States.

Jay Raman, spokesman for the US embassy told Lift that the primary purpose of the event is to provide information that can help to students A straight can find scholarships and many other opportunities to study in the United States.

He said 'We want all students get the best information as possible about the options they have so that they can make the best decisions for their future.

The United States has the best higher education system in the world with universities and thousands of college that offers quality education every expert.

According to Jay Raman has more than 500 students are studying in the United States and this number is increasing every year.


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